5 Key SEO Trends for 2024: Actionable Insights for WordPress SEO Managers

As we approach 2024, the SEO landscape continues to evolve, presenting new challenges and opportunities for SEO managers, particularly those working with WordPress websites. Keeping abreast of the latest trends is essential.

We’ve been reading blogs, news and watching conferences and we thought this would be useful for any SEOs working with Wordpress.

So, here are five key SEO trends for 2024, accompanied by practical insights tailored for your needs.

1. Embracing AI in SEO Strategy

Trend Insight: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising SEO strategies. From content creation to understanding user intent, AI tools are becoming indispensable. Action for WordPress Managers:

  • Utilise AI-powered SEO plugins to optimise content for search intent and keyword relevance.

  • Employ AI tools for content analysis, ensuring it aligns with user queries and intent.

  • Use AI for automated site audits to identify and rectify SEO issues efficiently.

2. Search Experience Optimisation (SXO)

Trend Insight: Google’s shift towards evaluating the overall helpfulness of a website means Search Experience Optimisation (SXO) is more crucial than ever. Action for WordPress Managers:

  • Focus on user experience (UX) elements like site speed, mobile responsiveness, and intuitive navigation.

  • Utilise WordPress themes and plugins that are optimised for speed and user experience.

  • Regularly update content to keep it relevant, engaging, and helpful to your audience.

3. Content Authenticity and Expertise

Trend Insight: Google's emphasis on E-E-A-T (Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) underscores the need for content authenticity and expertise. Action for WordPress Managers:

  • Prioritise original, well-researched content that showcases expertise in your niche.

  • Encourage subject matter experts to contribute or review your content.

  • Use author bio plugins to highlight the credentials of content creators.

4. Structured Data and Schema Markup

Trend Insight: Structured data is increasingly important for helping search engines understand and index your content more effectively. Action for WordPress Managers:

  • Implement schema markup on your site using WordPress plugins like Yoast SEO or Schema Pro.

  • Use structured data to highlight key information like products, reviews, and FAQs.

  • Regularly check Google’s updates on schema requirements and adjust your site’s markup accordingly.

5. Voice Search Optimisation

Trend Insight: The rise of voice assistants and voice search necessitates adapting content for conversational queries. Action for WordPress Managers:

  • Optimise content for natural language and conversational queries.

  • Include long-tail keywords that mirror how people speak.

  • Ensure your local SEO is robust, as many voice searches are local in nature.

By keeping informed and adapting to these trends, SEO managers can ensure their WordPress sites not only keep pace but lead in the competitive online environment of 2024. Remember, SEO is a dynamic field; continuous learning and adaptation are key to success.

We hope this helps!

Merry Christmas from us to you!

Dr. Josh Bradley PhD

Dr. Josh Bradley has almost two decades of experience working in Digital Advertising including SEO, Paid Search, Programmatic and OOH Digital Media. He has helped over 200 companies succeed and is a regular contributor to online publications and LinkedIn.


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